Jake Long American Dragon Porn

Jake Long American Dragon Porn

Jake Long American Dragon Porn

Jake is a teenager who is very self-aware about himself and often acts like the King of Cool. He strives to stay abreast of current trends and styles when it comes to music, video games, extreme sports and hot girls – something he does very successfully on skateboarding! In difficult situations he will quickly come up with solutions when needed but at other times can be stubborn or careless and take no notice when others need help or come along who offer assistance which often backfire on him.

Rose is someone he holds close, most notably. Even though she is part of the Huntsclan, he loves her deeply and would do anything for her; thus his willingness to tie himself up for execution in order to have her leave it. Unfortunately this didn’t work out between them but later Rose assured him she still loved him regardless of how it had played out or his appearance.

As a dragon, Jake possesses numerous powers unique to his race that he’s learning how to use. Sometimes these abilities come in handy helping others in need and riding skateboards is one of Jake’s favorite activities – much like Mushu from Mulan who also possessed semi-long black hair with green highlights and was fond of skating! Jake looks strikingly similar.