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Matty Healy of The 1975 was found sleeping on a couch at O2 Arena in London when twenty thousand screaming fans welcomed him home with open arms. Sitting up, Healy took a sip from his flask of whiskey before lighting a cigarette before beginning to play the jittery riff that opens their latest album “Being Funny in a Foreign Language.”
Healy was used to being scrutinized as the son of two performers; therefore he became used to being watched by an audience from an early age. “It was a big part of my life growing up,” Healy admitted in an interview for Vanity Fair. “It can be strange at times; however it’s normal for most.”
Healy has long been criticized for his sexist and misogynistic remarks, but they were more prevalent during a podcast interview that went viral this week. The 1975 frontman appeared as a guest on Adam Friedland Show where he described witnessing some Other People singer pal masturbating to hardcore pornographic songs after attending party at their musician friend’s home.
The 1975 first shot to fame with their shimmery anthem about grimy teenage love in 2012 and attracted an intense following among music blog obsessives and young women. Their albums reached No. 1, yet the wider public never warmed to them; Healy often joked that their small audience was simply “clique.”