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Fizzarolli was an Imp with star map-patterned skin who represented Lust. His fan club loved him to bits, so it made sense for him to have a bodyguard who could keep the fans at bay. Over time you spent more time with Fizz than Asmodeus; although their antics weren’t necessarily your cup of tea; gradually though they began chipping away at your hard exterior and become part of your daily life.
At last, you were ready to come out of hiding. Fizzy had been pushing you, while Asmodeus had been astonishingly accommodating; and once you began taking off your clothes they both stood in awe as you revealed your otherworldly form – both marveling that such beauty could come from such fearful source.
Take it slow; in time your relationship with them deepened and they eventually got used to having you around. Over time your bond only strengthened; they eventually even accepted you being there!