Camilo Madrigal, the youngest member of his family, is an engaging and friendly teenager. While his older sister remains more reserved and shy than before, Camilo takes after their outgoing parents and can often be seen babysitting local children. At school he leads his group of friends as leader and frequently acts as playmate for other students – often acting as leader of them at recess and recess time! Additionally he enjoys helping out around town by babysitting local kids as needed and often acting as leader among them all!
Camilo is an engaging entertainer with a knack for drama. Often serving as the comic relief at events, he likes to twist his hair in exciting fashion while embellishing stories based on rumors for added flair. Although not boastful himself, Camilo may try and outdo his siblings at times.
Camilo frequently employs his shapeshifting talent to play practical jokes on family members, particularly Isabela. He frequently shifts into Isabela’s form to cause her irritation and embarrassment; similarly he uses it to playfully poke fun at Felix.
Camilo boasts a light golden-brown complexion with long, curly dark auburn hair, hazel green eyes and freckles across his nose and cheeks. He has a slim build and prefers wearing white shirt, yellow ruana, and black pants with sandals resembling chameleon features on buttons of shirt ruana pants with the marks from an eyelid bruise or two in their attire resembling buttons bearing this motif on their buttons resembling one another in this way he stands out among his peers in this manner of dress resemblance of course!