Bestiality Pornhub
Animal porn is a reality today and there are many amateur and professional videos online showing this kink. I believe it to be legal in most countries but check local laws before engaging.
People have sexual relations with animals for two main reasons: attention and money. Most amateur videos featuring animal sex are made for profit, but some women in these videos may simply want a quick fling with one and are willing to accept money as compensation for doing it.
Legality of Animal Sex/Domestic Violence Depends On How It Is Carried Out If the animal is treated gently and treated as an equal human being, then no laws are broken. But if treated harshly or forced into sexual acts against its will, criminal charges could arise against you.
Bear in mind that animals cannot give consent for sexual acts. Thus, when engaging in sexual acts with an animal it is essential that appropriate care and control be exercised at all times, as well as having someone witness your activities to ensure no abuse of any sort occurs.