Sleeping Porn Movies is a film that explores the darker sides of soft-core pornography and eccentric auteurism. The plot follows Aki, an unsuccessful actress living at Tokyo’s Aurora Circus flophouse who escapes into an imaginary porn stardom world within her mind.
Rose was sexually assaulted as a teen but because the attacks were caught on video she never informed her family of them. Instead she would search pornography websites daily in anguish over finding some still live and being watched hundreds of times over.
She found it difficult to look in mirrors, covering her bedroom windows with sheets in order to avoid looking directly at herself in them. Her self-esteem dropped sharply as she wondered whether or not others in school or work had seen the videos too.
She contacted Pornhub several times asking them to take down the videos, yet this never happened and she continued to struggle with what had happened to her. Now in her 20s, she is doing better, having found someone special to love and starting Not Your Porn as a campaign to change UK laws so as to prohibit uploading non-consensual pornographic videos online.