Scm Porn is a popular free-to-use website and mobile app where members can meet people for casual encounters. The site offers videos and photos depicting sexual content as well as an in-chat feature. Scm Porn attracts users from all around the world; many men in particular visit it seeking casual encounters.
A Bitcoin extortion scam targeting pornography consumers has recently surfaced. Emails purporting to have compromised a victim’s computer and recorded them browsing porn sites threaten to release this footage to family, friends, and social media contacts unless payment is made using untraceable cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin.
Scammers claim they can identify recipients in videos using advanced facial recognition technology or by analyzing their ejaculations patterns, then demand a fee (usually $500 to $2000 in untraceable forms such as Bitcoin or gift card codes) in order to keep evidence from being released to contacts of those whom have provided it.
Scammers employ fake profiles and bots to collect personal information such as email addresses, phone numbers, credit card numbers, passwords, etc. which they then sell off to other criminals for profit.
Crooks then send victims links to download child pornography onto their computers and phones, creating “helpdesk” websites to make charges appear more legitimate and bypass credit card fraud protections by using different domain names. They may even gain control of electronic devices to gain access to credit card details of victims.