Inter Species Porn

Inter Species Porn

Inter Species Porn is sexual contact between humans and nonhuman animals that involves oral or anal sex, masturbation on both sides, or simply licking up after an encounter between members of different species – also referred to as bestiality or zoophilia.

Although some may find the concept of interspecies sex repugnant, it should be remembered that intersexual interactions between humans and other animals are common enough in real life to have inspired numerous pornographic genres such as Inter Species Porn, Bestiality Porn and Anal Sex. Furthermore, research suggests humans respond well to images depicting sexual content while distinguishing between human sex and animal sex even when not physically experiencing either form.

Studies published last summer in Current Biology demonstrated that monkeys are capable of appraising visual information based on whether it was intended to be seen by members of their own species – similar to how pay-per-view television channels take advantage of monkeys’ propensity to watch other monkeys get sexually involved with each other.

Porn Studies’ launch received unexpected media coverage, as academic journals typically generate minimal media attention after their debut. Although some attempted to deride it, overall media response was positive – and we should hope that its presence encourages more researchers interested in pornography to see that they now have a place to publish their work.