Girls Do Porn 281: The Trial Continues

Girls Do Porn 281

Awareness of Girls Do Porn began to increase significantly within the porn industry during fall 2014, thanks to articles like Gawker that focused on its models having previously competed for Miss Teen USA contests before losing them for engaging in porn. Furthermore, this coincides with Pratt and his staff overseeing an official forum dedicated to GDP models.

As the civil trial of 22 Jane Does against Pratt and Girls Do Porn dragged through September and October, XBIZ provided detailed reports about it – including testimony by Jane Doe 15. Her testimony was dramatic and emotional; Girls Do Porn videographer Ben Gyi also admitted on the stand that they repeatedly told women their videos wouldn’t be posted online but would instead only go to private collectors or be sold as DVDs overseas.

Documents obtained by the FBI reveal otherwise; in reality, videos published on multiple Girls Do Porn websites — including Pornhub — which generated millions in subscription revenue, as well as highlights on free porn websites to drive visitors and subscriptions back to paid Girls Do Porn sites was employed as part of a marketing strategy designed to generate subscription revenue; it is this marketing strategy which the government now alleges constitutes illegal sex trafficking charges against Pratt and his co-conspirators.