Age Play Numbers Porn In the BDSM community, age play refers to role-playing someone younger than their mother nature age in ways both sexual and nonsexual – pleasure doesn’t need to involve physical contact between sexual organs – for instance some people enjoy playing with their feet without considering it “sexual.”
Age play often entails one person acting as the parent while their partner assumes the child role, or other roles like Sir, Mistress or Babysitter or Teacher as well. Other possible roles could be taking on various BDSMer geriatric roles or acting out their parents/grandparents role for entertainment purposes or just plain fun! Some BDSMers enjoy acting older than themselves – some even having a geriatric fetish; or acting like their parents/grandparents! Ageplay scenes could include dynamics that most vanilla/SLers don’t even realise is occurring like when one party starts mow their lawn while flirting with their MILF while simultaneously flirting back!
As professional psychologists have noted, it is essential to remember that adult participation in age play should not be seen as pedophilia despite any fantasy elements involved. Contrary to age regression therapy which addresses past traumas and is designed for healing emotional states related to traumas from our pasts, sexual ageplay does not exhibit sexual behavior but instead provides pleasure by experiencing emotional states or social interactions from the past that tend to be nonsexual in nature (or, with young people like littles) again without becoming sexualized. Everyone involved must establish personal boundaries and communicate them openly amongst themselves during an ageplay scenario.